Public Policy Platform
The Bemidji Jaycees, along with the JCI USA and JCI (Junior Chamber International), have adopted the
UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as its public policy platform. The MDGs are eight ambitious goals set by the
United Nations to address some of the most pressing needs of the United States and the World. These include:
The MDGs, which range from halving extreme poverty rates to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education, all by the target date of 2015 – form a blueprint agreed to by all the world’s countries and all the world’s leading development institutions. They have galvanized unprecedented efforts to meet the needs of the world’s poorest. The UN is also working with governments, civil society and other partners to build on the momentum generated by the MDGs and carry on with an ambitious post-2015 development agenda.
UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as its public policy platform. The MDGs are eight ambitious goals set by the
United Nations to address some of the most pressing needs of the United States and the World. These include:
- Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
- Achieve Universal Primary Education
- Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women
- Reduce Child Mortality
- Improve Maternal Health
- Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Diseases
- Ensure Environmental Sustainability
- Global Partnership for Development
The MDGs, which range from halving extreme poverty rates to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education, all by the target date of 2015 – form a blueprint agreed to by all the world’s countries and all the world’s leading development institutions. They have galvanized unprecedented efforts to meet the needs of the world’s poorest. The UN is also working with governments, civil society and other partners to build on the momentum generated by the MDGs and carry on with an ambitious post-2015 development agenda.